Applications and Ideas

Middle Search® Plus ...Beyond Unit Plans

✴ Academic Bowl Competitions
Every year, students across Indiana participate in Academic Bowl competitions and each year the competition centers around a theme. Often the theme offers limited resources within a library media center setting. Newly acquired materials are rarely used after the competition. Here is where 
Middle Search® Plus offers a wealth of materials, at no cost.

This year, 2009, students and teachers are focusing on the 
Norse Culture And Its Influence On the World.

The Academic Bowl PowerPoint

Using Middle Search Plus

goes beyond the basic use of Middle Search® Plus covered in the Basics tutorials and includes saving items to a folder and creating and using shared folders. Shared folders are important in team situations allowing for a division of the research load and sharing of quality resources.

✴ Recreational Reading
Over 140 Magazines and Journals

Go to for a comprehensive list of available periodicals. You will find popular titles for boys - Boy’s Life; girls - American Cheerleading; sports - Sports Illustrated; and computer gaming - Electronic Gaming.

The Recreational Reading PowerPoint

includes using an advanced search to locate articles in the latest popular magazines.
(If needed, go to the Basics tutorial to review using Middle Search® Plus.)

Don’t be scared off by the term “advanced search.” The technique is a simple 2 step process of typing in the magazine title and setting a date range. Try it! You’ll enjoy being able to read your favorite issues for free!

✴ Saving Money!!! Periodical Purchasing Hint
Librarians, media specialists, parents, or students - If you are looking for a new title to purchase, look through the periodical list. It will provide many age-appropriate options for almost any interest. You can also look through issues in 
Middle Search® Plus (See the above instructions) before making a purchase to see if this is a periodical you really want to purchase.

✴ Middle Search® Plus Promotion Ideas

